
So, where do you lose weight first? - Greatist

Targeted fat loss isn’t a thing. So, if you want to lose a little in your tummy, there’s really no way to target it specifically — no matter how many crunches you do.

Where you lose weight on your body

Where women lose weight first

Findings from a study suggested that women tend to lose weight all over but hang onto it in their hips and thighs. That might change around menopause when women’s fat distribution tends to change with hormonal shifts.

The same study found that people with obesity tend to lose weight first in their arms and legs, regardless of sex.

According to a 2012 research review, “women are better [than men] at defending weight” when they exercise. Yeah, basically, that means women’s bodies are willing to fight harder to hang onto that fat, even after hours on the treadmill. (Thanks, body! Love ya. 🙄)

But srsly, women truly need more fat than men, so pat your bod on the back.

Where men lose weight first

According to one study, men tend to drop weight around their torsos first. However, men with obesity tend to drop it first in their arms and legs.

A 2014 research review showed that men also tend to lose weight much more easily than women.

Genes, hormones, current body weight, oh my! Lots of things impact where you’ll shed fat first. Here’s the lowdown on dropping lbs.

Genes (thanks, fam)

You can thank your ancestors for your fit-fam results — genes play a big role in body fat distribution. A research review found that genetic factors also impact weight loss, so if your rents’ Mediterranean diet worked for them, there’s a good chance it’ll work for you, too.

Another research review found that the link between genetic factors and body fat distribution seems to be stronger in women than in men.

Hormones (thanks, thyroid)

Hormones play a major role in weight loss. Estrogen (one of the main sex hormones for women) may cause women to accumulate more weight around their hips and thighs. Meanwhile, higher levels of testosterone in men help them build muscle and burn off fat in their 20s and 30s.

With age, these hormone levels drop, which is one reason why both sexes tend to gain more weight around their midsections as they get older.

Other hormones like cortisol, insulin, ghrelin, and leptin impact weight. A research review found a strong link between cortisol (your stress hormone) and abdominal obesity. So, if you’re packing a little extra tummy flub, blame your stressors!

Current body weight (thanks, bod)

Fun fact: Your current body weight influences where you’ll lose weight first. According to a study, if you have obesity RN, you’re more likely to drop pounds first in your arms and legs.

More research in this area is needed though. But it seems that people who have obesity may lose weight differently (at least initially) than those in a moderate weight range.

Here are the deets on spot toning these three specific areas.

How to make your belly look more tone

Let’s be real: Losing belly fat means losing weight all over.

How to banish your bb face

No, you can’t wave a magic wand and make your bod lose weight face-first. Losing weight from your face only happens when you work to burn fat all over.

How to make your thighs seem trimmer

By now, you know where this is headed: Yes, the only way to truly lose weight in your thighs is to burn cals and fat all over.

Losing weight typically requires a nutritious diet and regular exercise, and what exactly that means will differ from person to person.

Be wary of any diet, pill, or supplement that claims to help you “lose weight fast.” Dropping pounds overnight is rarely healthy, attainable, or sustainable.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is a safe and healthy rate. As an added perk, going slow and steady means you’re more likely to keep it off.

While everyone’s different, the USDA recommends that women eat at least 1,600 to 2,400 calories a day and men eat 2,000 to 3,000.

  • Where you lose weight first depends on lots of factors like genes, sex, current weight, and hormones. If your family members lose tummy weight first, you’re more likely to, as well. If you’re a woman, you’re more likely to lose weight across your body while men tend to lose it in the core area first.
  • Targeted fat loss doesn’t work, full stop. There’s no way to lose weight in isolated areas, though spot toning might help certain areas appear slimmer. In order to lose weight, you’ll have to aim to drop pounds overall.
  • Healthy weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. Losing weight safely typically means no more than 1 to 2 pounds a week.
  • Everyone’s different — that’s what makes life so great. If you need help finding a weight loss regimen that works for you, talk with a nutritionist, fitness expert, or your doctor.

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May 27, 2021 at 10:16PM

So, where do you lose weight first? - Greatist
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